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Your Own Sweet Chili Sauce

This recipe is vegetarian.vegetarian
This recipe is vegan.vegan
This recipe can be made gluten free by choosing gluten-free versions of basic ingredients commonly found in supermarkets or online.gluten-free
This recipe can be made completely dairy-free.dairy-free
One serving costs about $0.05

$0.05 per serving

1 people like this recipe


This recipe is ready in 45 minutes

Ready in 45 minutes

28 super bowl,vegetarian,vegan,gluten-free,dairy-free,gluten free,dairy free,lacto ovo vegetarian,vegan antipasti,soup,starter,snack,appetizer,antipasto,hor d'oeuvre American
spoonacular Score:12%

Spoonacular Score: 12%


Your Own Sweet Chili Sauce is an American hor d'oeuvre. This gluten free, dairy free, lacto ovo vegetarian, and vegan recipe serves 28 and costs 5 cents per serving. One serving contains 55 calories, 0g of protein, and 0g of fat. 1 person has tried and liked this recipe. It is perfect for The Super Bowl. It is brought to you by Foodista. If you have palm vinegar, bell peppers, water, and a few other ingredients on hand, you can make it. From preparation to the plate, this recipe takes around 45 minutes. All things considered, we decided this recipe deserves a spoonacular score of 8%. This score is very bad (but still fixable). If you like this recipe, take a look at these similar recipes: Sweet Chili Chicken Egg Rolls with Creamy Sweet Chili Sauce, Sweet Potato Fries with Walnuts, Brown Sugar, & Sweet Chili Sauce, and Sweet Potato Fries with Walnuts, Brown Sugar, & Sweet Chili Sauce.

Sparkling Wine, Alcoholic Drink, and White Wine are great choices for Chili. These juicy reds don't have too much tannin (important for spicy foods), but a sparkling wine like cava can tame the heat even better. One wine you could try is NV Armon. It has 5 out of 5 stars and a bottle costs about 16 dollars.

NV Armon

It is a very refreshing drink, with full berry type aromatic flavor. There are hints of dark raisins of the nose with appealing fresh Strawberry. Best served cold with ice cubes, as a dessert to any meal.

» Get this wine on


13.23 oz
13.23 oz cane sugar
cane sugar
0.07 oz
0.07 oz red cayenne pepper
red cayenne pepper
0.53 oz
0.53 oz corn starch
corn starch
0.28 oz
0.28 oz kosher salt
kosher salt
2.47 oz
2.47 oz red green bell peppers
red green bell peppers
2.92 oz
2.92 oz palm vinegar
palm vinegar
1.9 cups
1.9 cups water
13.23 oz cane sugar
13.23 oz
cane sugar
0.07 oz red cayenne pepper
0.07 oz
red cayenne pepper
0.53 oz corn starch
0.53 oz
corn starch
0.28 oz kosher salt
0.28 oz
kosher salt
2.47 oz red green bell peppers
2.47 oz
red green bell peppers
2.92 oz palm vinegar
2.92 oz
palm vinegar
1.9 cups water
1.9 cups


cutting board
cutting board
cutting board
cutting board


  1. Step-by-step directions:
  2. 1. For multi-color presentation, head & stem cut-off, without removing seeds of red & green bell and red cayenne peppers, lay a portion or a piece of each (should they be smaller) into chopping board. Chop very finely. Include the seeds, set aside.
  3. 2. Adding little of our water, also without removing seeds, head & stem taken-off, cut into 4 pieces & blenderize remaining bell and red cayenne until semi smooth emulsion is reached.
  4. 3. Leaving about 50ml water for corn starch slurrying, pour remaining water into the blender. STIR manually with long teaspoon so emulsion will be scraped off and mix well with water.
  5. 4. Pour into cooking kettle. Add vinegar, salt & sugar. Stir consistently and bring to a boil.
  6. 5. While waiting, in a container, mix well 50ml water and corn starch until no lumps are visible.
  7. 6. On first boil, simmer down to lowest cooking temp. Add in corn starch slurry and the finely chopped peppers.
  8. 7. Stir until a bit viscous consistency is attained.
  9. 8. Done.
  10. Notes:
  11. Yield: 80-90% (800-900ml)
  12. Servings: 26-28 on 30ml per serve basis at 80% yield (800ml)
  13. If more Red bell pepper is used, sauces outcome color is light red. More green means reddish-green note.
  14. Over time some discoloration will be visible & apparent. No worry. Since formulation did not use artificial colorants, it's bound to happen. What is lost is the "natural color" of bell & red cayenne peppers. Guaranteed, there is no effect on sensory qualities of finished sauce as: aroma, taste, mouthfeel etc.

Read the detailed instructions on – The Cooking Encyclopedia Everyone Can Edit

Price Breakdown

Cost per Serving: $0.05
375 grams cane sugar
2 grams red cayenne pepper
15 grams corn starch
70 grams red green bell peppers
80 milliliters palm vinegar

Nutritional Information

54 Calories
0.03g Protein
0.06g Total Fat
13g Carbs
0% Health Score
Limit These


  Saturated Fat





Get Enough Of These

Vitamin C

covered percent of daily need

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