$10 Hackathon / University Sign Up

Please get a username on RapidAPI.com before sending this form.
You can get up to 5,000 requests per day with our academic or hackathon plan for $10/month. Please be sure to read the slides that will be sent to you with your invitation.
Your name: Your email (for academic access, please use your university email): School or hackathon name (or link): RapidAPI username (sign up at rapidapi.com before sending this form): What are you going to build? (at least 150 characters): Access needed until (extension after 3 months can be arranged):
Please like this page before requesting access.

We are a small team and check every request manually. If your request is granted it may take up to 72 hours for us to get back to you.
request access
*By checking this box, you agree we may use the information you provided to contact you by email. You can unsubscribe at any time. We use Sendy to send email and it will be processed in accordance with our Privacy Policy and Terms.

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